Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday Quickies

1) I haven't been to the gym this week and I feel like poop. I usually roll my eyes at people who say how great going to the gym makes them feel. Usually.

2) KillerB2 and I are going to NC this weekend. Going to have lunch with my step-grandmother tomorrow in Raleigh, then on to Charlotte to visit friends for the weekend. My step-grandmother is 92. She still gets around well, is out of the house everyday etc. Hope some of that rubs off on KillerB2 and I.

3) KillerB2 has a broken Tivo she refuses to get rid of or replace. It is worse than having no Tivo at all because it freezes on pause so you can't even watch live television if you want. It's causing friction in our marriage.

4) Spring is here! I've been walking to and from work across the Brooklyn Bridge. 3.2 miles and 57 minutes each way. I need a new Spring walking playlist post haste.