Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Civics Question


Since I am an Asian male, all my parents wanted during my schooling years was for me be good at math and science. Check. And Check. But as a consequence, I never really learned much about other things, like American Government. So I am hoping the Hoser community can answer a question for me...

Several months ago, after the Ted Stevens corruption charges came down, there was a rumor that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin would appoint herself to the Senate seat that Stevens would be evacuating.

I just heard in the news today that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is contemplating stepping down from his post and running for the Louisiana Senate seat.

Which raises the question: Is a US Senate seat more valuable than being a Governor of a US State?

I always thought that being Governor is more valuable. There are only 50 Governors, but there are 100 Senators. Also, Governorship is the more typical stepping stone to the Presidency. So the above two data points confused me. Can someone help clear up?