Friday, April 03, 2009

Friday Fastballs

1) I've been sick this week. It's been perfect. I got sick on Monday, and now it is Friday afternoon and I'm back to 95%, just in time for the weekend, with the benefit of missing a couple of days' work.

2) Tonight I am supposed to be visiting Yankee Stadium to watch the Cubs vs. Yankees in the first ever game in the new stadium. Looks like Mother Nature might issue a veto, however. Too bad - I wanted to be there for the first Yankees loss.

3) I went to the New York Public Library's Science, Industry and Business Branch in Midtown yesterday. After spending a few hours breezing through their databases in the computer lab, I'm convinced there is way too much information in the world. We (humanity) need to slow the hell down.

4) Penn State won the NIT Tournament last night. That must be bittersweet. Like celebrating for finishing dead middle in your graduating class, or high-fiving your buddies after making out with the most unremarkable girl at the party.