Monday, April 13, 2009

American Idol Quickies


  • The New York Times ran a pretty retarded article discussing Adam Lambert's supposed gayness. Is this really a topic that needs to be written about in the NYT? I think the NYT has gotten pretty silly in recent years. I see tons of retarded articles in it in a regular basis.
  • The article includes the pic above, but amazingly does not discuss why Danny Gokey is looking so clueless. Dude, what is he doing? Now if the blind guy got all out of sync with dance moves, I would understand. But whatup with Danny?
  • My Idol prediction for this week... Bottom 3 will be: Lil Rounds, Anoop Dawg, and Pianoman Matt Giraud. Hitting the road will be Lil Rounds. (Leaving the 16 year old redheaded girl to fend for herself against the guys.)