Monday, March 30, 2009

Under the Gun

I know most of you think Nicholas Kirstof is a bore. I agree but I am also starting to feel for him. I mean his last two facebook status messages alone tell us a lot about his current state of mind.

Sure, there is some new competition but dude, chillax! It will be alright.

Look at Tom Friedman, he doesn't care. He just makes sh*t up. Here is one example of what I mean. This article looks like something he thought up while looking for naked pictures of Meredith Baxter Birney on google.

His books are no better. They are the epitome of lazy writing. "I'm sorry, you say I owe you three more chapters on my book before you publish it. That's fine, I'll just mix the order of several paragraphs from the first three chapters and send something to you tonight. Ok, I'm off to swim in my vault full of money"

Hey Friedman - F you!