Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Tuesday Quickies...


  • Fat Mike Franscesa is no longer the fattest person on WFAN (660am). There's this guy named Adam The Bull. Someone called up while Adam The Bull was guest-hosting and asked him of the radio station pays him in cheeseburgers. Hahaha!
  • I bought some Chinese cold medicine and it made me feel weird, as in... paranoid. It made me wake up in the middle of the night and think that there was some kind of huge machinery underneath my building that shakes the building to interrupt my heartbeat.
  • I've been thinking about spending some more time in China later this year, in the fall. If the economy is still in the shitters, I might enroll in an accredited language program at one of the universities in Beijing (BLCU) or Shanghai (Jiao Tong University).
  • 2009 is shaping up to be a busy wedding year. So many friends getting married. Everyone moving on with their lives.