Wednesday, March 04, 2009

List - Animals In The Wild

Part 1 in a series of indeterminate length.

Today's List: Animals I've most enjoyed seeing in the wild

1) Giant River Otters
2) Southern Right Whales
3) Red Headed Woodpeckers
4) A Kadriillion Pink Flamingos
5) Basset Hounds
6) Horny Toads
7) Blue Racer Snake
8) Swans
9) White Rhino
10) Tree Cutter Ants

The River Otters were fairly unremarkable, but they are so endangered I threw them a bone. I'm afraid the Horny Toads of my youth are almost gone now too. And I never see Red Headed Woodpeckers when I go home to my parents house now either. What are your favorite things to see in nature?