Thursday, August 13, 2009

Things That Evil Learned Today


* ... that spanking in schools is still allowed by 20 states. good gravy! i always thought that teachers and principals spanking kids was a relic of the bad old days, like segregated schools, polio, and analog tv. but i guess i was wrong. the NYT article linked here also uncovers that disabled kids are spanked more than regular kids. even though Evil has no feelings, even he has to feel a tinge of sadness upon reading this.

* ... that "infernal" is an actual word. The only time i've heard that word is in the context of "Infernal Affairs," the movie title. i had always assumed that they meant to call the movie Internal Affairs, but the translation got screwed up because the people in hong kong cannot pronounce english words accurately for the life of them. (side note: the best FOBby accents come from hong kong. i dont know why. the people on the mainland also speak english with an accent, but it's not the funny kind of FOBby accent.)