Sunday, August 30, 2009

One Rant, One Rave


* RANT... Dear Eric Holder: you are a jagoff. The prez specifically said he wanted to move forward and not get bogged down in prosecuting the past. But you had to go and try to prove that you're your own man so now you're gonna open up a case on the CIA? If you really want to re-open old wounds it seems more sensible to go after the Bush administration lawyers who authored the torture policy. But you're going after the feet-on-the-ground CIA agents who were just doing their job. Nice move, a-hole.

* RAVE... One of my biggest pet peeves is people who are oblivious to the space around them. For example, people who stop dead in the middle of a busy doorway. MOVE IT, A-HOLE! I love that in China, shoving people is just a part of getting around. I was trying to get into the subway yesterday and a guy was standing right in the entryway having a conversation with his wife. I came up from behind him and shoved my forearm right into his back and was quickly on my way. Awesome!