Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Quickes - Sports Edition


* Michael Vick would like to thank Brett Favre for taking over the title of Most Hated Man In Sports.

* How many times am I going to hear/read XTIAN proclaim that he's a "McNabb guy"? We know, we know. You have a huge man-crush on him.

* Is Derek Jeter the best shortstop of all time? Name a single shortstop that's clearly better than Jeter. (Like XTIAN likes to say, "clearly better.") BTW, Derek Jeter is currently #8 on the ESPN Player Rater scale. Even though I am a "Jeter guy," I find that insane. Jeter's not an offensive threat. The the ESPN Player Rater scale incorporate "intangibles" (like leadership and hotness of girlfriend)?

* Oh those poor Cubbies. Poor Cubbies! It seemed like just a week or two ago that they were leading their division but now they're 6 games back. Monumental collapse!