Monday, August 24, 2009

The Most Improbable Movie Ever Made


Saw this at one of the pirated DVD stands around town and just had to buy it. The first thing that caught my attention was that it starred the greatest Mexican wrestler of our generation, Rey Misterio. Great! Wrestling documentary of some sort? I flip to the description on the back and boy was I surprised... it begins:

"For an amateur porn film crew traveling through Mexico, a wrong turn leads to a ghost town..."

CMON! Now is that a jumping off point, or is that a jumping off point? Awesome premise + Rey Misterio as the lead actor = can't go wrong!

As an added bonus, the female lead is Leyla Milani, aka, Deal or No Deal's chick with briefcase #13. WOW.

I haven't actually watched the DVD yet. Just got home. The only thing that worries me is that it got a rating of 4.6/10 on IMDB. Even the universally panned Wolverine movie got a 6.8/10. Yikes.