Tuesday, August 11, 2009

KillerB2Less for 12 Days

Ever since KillerB2 and I got married last year we have spent a lot of time together. That was really the whole point of the marriage. Of course now and then one of us will wander away for a few days. But we always come back. We haven't spent a big number of days apart.

Sooner or later my high flying marketing executive lifestyle was going to catch up with us. With the nation crawling out of the recession companies once again have wheelbarrows full of cash to throw at high flying marketing folks. So tomorrow I disembark on a 10 day trip, without my KillerB2. It will be hard, but worth it. I already know I'm going to be soooooo excited to see her when I come back on Friday the 21st! She's going to be soooooo excited to see me too!!!!

Oh. Nevermind. KillerB2 decided to go to Boston that weekend. Make that 12 days. I hope she brings me a souvenir like a magnet.