Monday, December 14, 2009

Worst Olympics Ever!


It's not good news for an Olympic host city when news outlets start publishing headlines like: "Rio's Olympic Task: Fighting Crime."

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This is going to be the WORST OLYMPICS EVER!!! I don't fault Rio, though. It's not their fault they have such chaos on their streets. I blame the insufferable Europeans on the Olympic committee who did this just to give the USA a big ol' F-YOU.

On a related note, you should watch this video if for no other reason than because Erin Burnett is in it! Although what are the NBC bigwigs thinking, sending her on location in Rio?!? Erin is your cash cow, fools! She could have easily taken some shrapnel in the face... and then what?

Also, this video features a rare view of Erin Burnett in casual clothes, full body shot. Surprising revelation: her hips are growing out of control!!! Now, some people like the big hip / big ass look (I am partial to it myself), but I cannot imagine that a white girl like Erin Burnett is pleased with the rapid expansion of her lower half.