Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Worst Decade Ever (Part 1 of 2)


Some aspects of the 00's have been truly great, as Sparks has pointed out in his Top Technology Advances post. We've also had some great television, as Xtian has posted about. The 00's was a great decade for pop culture, perhaps the best decade yet for pop culture, but you wouldn't know it from KillerB's lackluster Pop Culture Moments series. Try harder next time, KillerB.

But in some regards, the 00's have been a truly disastrous decade, and I'm not just talking about my hair follicles. For the following things, the 00's have been the Worst Decade Ever...


10. The Chicago Cubs - 2003. Only 5. more. outs. to. go! And then Steve Barman happened. Sighhhhhh. 2007: made it to the playoffs, only to be spanked by the Diamondbacks in an embarrassing 3 games to 0 sweep. The hapless (but lovable) Cubbies stranded 30 baserunners in 3 games. 2008: back to the playoffs, but yet another 3-0 sweep. This time by the Dodgers. The Cubbies were outscored 20-to-6 in the series. 2009: learned their lesson and decided to not make the playoffs at all, preferring a second-half swoon over the embarrassment of another playoff sweep.

9. NASDAQ - Peaks at 5,134 in March 2000. Closes the decade at 2,291. Sigh. I can't even fathom how long it'll take to get back above 5,000 again. Perhaps more than an entire decade.

8. Rock 'n Roll - This is the music of youth, of rebellion, and of angst. This is the music that you wouldn't want to run into in a dark alley. Rock 'n Roll was born in the 1950's (or so) and in its first decade, we had the likes of Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis (if marrying your 13 year old first cousin is not the rock 'n roll lifestyle, I don't know what is). The 60's gave us The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Cream, and many others. The 70's brought The Ramones, Sex Pistols, Blondie, all while acts like the Stones and Zeppelin kept kicking ass. It wasn't until 1987 that Guns 'n Roses released Appetite for Destruction, but that in itself was enough to make the entire decade in my book. G'nR = Best Rock Band Ever. The 1990's was of course the decade of grunge rock, Nirvana and the like. And then the 00's hit us... clearly the worst decade ever in the history of rock 'n roll. Who was the defining rock act of the decade? Was it those pussies that we call Coldplay? Ugh! Blink 182? Linkin Park? Is rock 'n roll dead forever?

7. Airline Passengers - Remember when the biggest annoyance in air travel was having to answer those two questions about whether anyone else had packed your bags and whether your bags have been in your possession the entire time since you've packed them? And now look at the inconveniences that we suffer through: long lines, taking off your shoes, fishing out your laptop from your perfectly packed bags, getting your metrosexual facial creams confiscated because it's more than 3 ounces... and the situation is only getting worse. No pillows and blankets? Nothing on your laps? No use of iPods during the last hour? No TV during the flight because it shows a live map?

6. Newspapers - Whereas the NASDAQ will likely rebound (it's just a matter of how long) and Rock 'n Roll may likely find new life in a new decade, few will deny that newspapers are on a slow march towards death. People are reading more than ever. People are consuming more news than ever. Just not using newspapers. Goodbye old friend.