Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Evolution of Tiger Woods


First, he was a talented but petulant golfing great. Winning tournaments seemingly without trying but also dropping F-bombs to any photographer within 50 yards of him who dare snap a photo during his swing.

Then he was a shut-off, arrogant a-hole. After all that winning, Tiger didn't find it in his heart to give back to either the press or his adoring public. By "give back," I am not talking about material items. I'm talking about simply opening up to the press and sharing ANY genuine thoughts at all with his fans. Have you ever heard Tiger say anything interesting in a press conference? Never. He only gives generic, closed-off answers.

Then the car crash happened, followed by a rash of Clinton-era "bimbo eruptions." YIKES! Tiger suddenly became a wife-disrespecting philandering douche bag.

So what next? Where does Tiger go now? Apparently, the answer is... CRYBABY.

After rumors of Tiger taking HGH, he sent his agent to plead to a newspaper about to break the story:

"I would really ask that you guys don't write this? If Tiger is NOT implicated, and won't be, let's please give the kid a break."

First of all, Tiger... when a kid in the school yard punches you in the nose, do you run to mommy and/or your agent? Dick.

And what's with his agent saying "give the kid a break." Is he a kid anymore? And does a $1 Billion dollar worldwide athlete who's banged at least a dozen bimbos behind his wife's back deserve a break? I'm optimistic that this will be the end of Tiger for good. Don't need or want to see him ever again.

Go Phil! (Great golfer and a class act.)