Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Helping The Homeless... What A Scam!


In the midst of our difficult economic times, I'm glad to see that justice and order are both slowly being restored. Here's today's example:

Court Orders United Homeless Organization to Remove Tables
The state attorney general, Andrew M. Cuomo, obtained a court injunction on Tuesday ordering the United Homeless Organization to immediately remove its sidewalk donation tables pending the outcome of a civil lawsuit Mr. Cuomo's office has filed against the group, which he has called an elaborate sham that does not help the needy.

Luckily, I never donated to this group (or any group, for that matter, except for my college and high school alma mater), so I don't feel ripped off. Nevertheless, I'm glad to hear that others won't be ripped off in the future. Use the money to donate to your university's billion-dollar endowments, people!