Saturday, July 25, 2009

Weekend Quickies

* I haven't posted much lately because is really slow when I have to go through the anonymization network to access it. Plus, the editor page doesn't even render fully so I can't do things like attach pics, etc. But now I'm using Mail2Blogger, so I can post just be sending an email to blogger. Wooo! Kudos to the Hose's IT department.

* There was a full eclipse in these parts of the world earlier this week. I went out to Haining (an hour west of Shanghai) to view it. It's surprising how the sky remained relatively unchanged (i.e., still bright) even when the eclipse was at around 95% coverage. But once it's got to 100% coverage, everything went dark. It was just like nighttime.

* I had drinks with one of the teachers who taught my class from earlier in the year. It was somewhat awkward. She's 35, going through a divorce, and has two kids. I think she was trying to make the move on me or something. Awk-warrrrrd.

* One of my current teachers is pretty hot. To me, most mainland Chinese girls fall into the category of "Skinny But Flabby." Meaning, they are thin, but they hardly have any muscle tone at all because they don't work out. This teacher chick is different because she used to run track in school so looks fairly athletic. Fairly. It's all relative, after all.

* I joined a new gym. Most of the people who work out there are locals. There seems to be a lot of people who don't know how to work out. That seems like a somewhat westernized, and judgmental statement. But I mean, they literally don't know how to work out. I've seen multiple people on the elliptical machine spinning away while the screen is still flashing "Press Quickstart, or Enter for Programs." Well, the entire UI is in english, so I guess it's not totally their fault. But still.