Sunday, July 26, 2009

Peephole Videos

It's been a good week since the Erin Andrews peephole video story broke. I'm amazed by how this story "has legs," as we say in the news business. I have the Google Trends widget installed on my iGoogle homepage and every day for the past week, I've seen erin andrews related searches break into the top 25 of "hot searches." Many times it's been in the top 10. To take a gander, look here:

I hear from Manolo that he too has a collection of peephole videos... of Hosers! Manolo keeps wanting to show me these videos, but I've resisted with all my might. I mean, would you want to watch videos with any of the following descriptions?

- "KillerB takes photos of veggies and spices"

- "Xtian gels his luxurious hair"

- "The Bump takes a massive dump and groans"

- "Sparks skypes to The Cha"

- "Mamacita browsing Japanese pet magazines"

- "Mr. Shoulders berating a blowup doll"