Wednesday, November 10, 2004


(this morning, R train, heading downtown)

The guy sitting across from me is reading the morning paper. He has one brown eye and one glass eye. The glass eye is horrendous and pale and bulging too much out of his head. The poor guy, he didn't get properly fitted for his glass eye.

His one good eye moves a lot when he reads the paper. It zigs and zags, back and forth. Real fast. I guess your good eye has to work harder when you only have one. Maybe it's sort of like losing a kidney... your other one grows by up to 40% to handle the extra load.

He spots me staring at him, so now he's trying to keep one eye on his paper and one eye on... Oh wait. He only has one eye total so he is visibly troubled at this point. His eye jumps betweent he paper and me and for the love of God I just can't stop myself from staring. Now he is practically staring at me and I am practically staring at him, but my eyes are fixed on his glass one, not his good one. We are both visibly uncomfortable. Now he slumps down in his subway seat. He lowers his eyelids, almost closing them. He puts the newspaper over his face and just sits there, slumped and motionless.