Monday, October 19, 2009

Shocker at the WSJ

Did anyone see the front page of the Wall Street Journal today? There in bold, two-inch font was the banner headline: "Colleagues Finger Billionaire."

What are we to make of this? Are we, as a country, mature enough to ignore the double entendre? Am I the only one that got a giggle out of seeing this in the conservative/financial paper of record?

I found it particularly amusing given that the paper's owner, Rupert Murdoch, married a colleague half his age who has almost certainly had to finger the old billionaire. Is this an editorial swipe at the new owner, or just Finance with a Fox Attitude?

PS - I usually like to add a photo to my posts, but typing "finger" into Google Images proved to be a treacherous experiment in workplace inappropriateness.

PPS - Update! Xtian pointed me to a good picture of the front page in question.