Friday, October 23, 2009

KillerB1 Needs Your Help

I have gotten into a nasty habit of not eating breakfast the past few weeks - which is terrible. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We all learned this in the 2nd grade. But here I am, adult KillerB1, skipping breakfast.

As background, you should know that for most of my adult life I have skipped breakfast. But, about a year ago, I said "ENOUGH". My metabolism moves at a glacial enough pace - further exacerbating that by skipping breakfast was unacceptable. So, I started eating a bowl of whole grain cereal with soy milk every morning. It was enjoyable enough. And so it was for 12 months.

Then, a few weeks ago I ate my last box of cereal and haven't replaced it. I can't eat another bowl of Honey Clusters. Now I'm just drinking coffee and going to work. TERRIBLE. And sometimes when I get to work, I buy a $6 sausage egg and cheese sandwich from Pax. Expensive and not healthy!!! TERRIBLE!

So, I'm looking for new in-home breakfast recommendations. What are Hosers eating to get their day started right?