Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Guy I'm Tired Of Looking At

I'm getting tired of this guy. For the past 2-3 months, everytime I go to he is just sitting there, flexing in front of me on the bottom right of the page. Just above an add for teaching me how to raise my credit score.

Many Hosers and readers have met me, and know what I look like, but many others have not. For those who have not, let me assure you there is nothing about me that would suggest I could care about this guy or the "naturally bigger muscles" he is trying to sell me. We have the same hairline, and that is where the similarities end. He's creeping me out. How do I get him off of my page?

(He clearly is natural. Don't let the fact that it is a stock photo (as indicated by the shutterstock watermark in the lower righthand corner) fool you. This guy is natural. Clearly.)