Thursday, July 10, 2008

The skid that would not end

When it was over, KillerB was arguing with the Ref (who may in fact be Amy Short, btw, out to get back at KillerB for ignoring her friend request). She had just called the game after 6 innings and with us down by 3 runs, even though officially there were 7 innings in a game. This was after the fourth inning, where she had instituted a mercy rule on us for scoring seven runs in an inning even though we were still losing. Basically, this b*tch was out to get us. Though too much a gentleman to say it, Killer B agrees with me. At one point, it looked to me like KillerB was about to clean her clock.

It would have made no difference. Our third loss in a row was in the books.

Two weeks ago, some tool kicked a ball over a fence and hit a car. The alarm he set off signaling the end of the game and the end of our dream of a perfect season.

Last week, a team short several players due the Fourth of July lost a heartbreaker.

Now this tragedy, a robbery perpetrated by a fat girl who could not be bothered to watch the whole game she was officiating, all the while colluding with an 8 person team of ringers who had only one female, who might have been Brandie Chastain.

Sure some people dropped some balls in the outfield, but we had a lot of people last night and I was too hung over from this to see straight much less catch a freaking ball.

No team has shown so much promise, only to suffer such a let down since the 1974 World Cup Finalist Dutch National Soccer Team. Of course, we all know how that ended.

Onward march the grey and gold, onward we march. One week to go, one more attempt for Playoff glory.