Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Foxtrot? Nay. Islands in the Stream

I'm afraid I have to put these nasty Foxtrot rumors to bed. I understand how the rumor was started. We are getting married, after all, and what better way to demonstrate our eternal love for each other than by learning a dance we'll forget the minute we leave on our honeymoon. "What then", you say?

On our recent trip to Hilton Head KillerB2 and I couldn't get Islands in the Stream out of our heads. Everywhere we went we were humming it. On the beach, in the kayaks, on the golf course, under water. We hummed the hell out of that song. Which got us thinking about the wedding.....

So, yeah, for the Hosers that make it to San Antonio, there might be a lip synched version of Islands in the Stream waiting for you after the dessert course.