Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Andar conmigo?

I have one problem that annoys me. I don't have many Latino friends. The best I can come up with is Killer B #2 and that was a direct result of 2007's Operation "Get Brown Friends". This hardly matters though. In all other respects, I am a good Latino. My written and spoken Spanish is above average. I have a big family, composed of way more cousins than I can count.

Most of the time, I do not care. My family is sufficient and my friends are more or less true, unless you count Evil, he's not a true friend. No one else is troubled by this- how many Filipino friends does ET#2 have? Why does Evil only pursue Japanese women with large calves? No one questions them on these matters, why do I sit here in the midst of some bizarre identity crisis?

Anyway, this a problem only when I want to go ethnic. I have an easier time rally a crowd to the NY Indian Film Festival than I would for the NY Latino Film Festival. It's a real bummer. A few years ago I found myself at a Julieta Venegas Concert at Spirit all by myself. It was awesome. I really enjoy her music. It's a mix of pop, with a tinge of girly-rock, but just enough electronics. She tops it off with sprinkles of Mexican elements, like when she breaks out the accordion. Sometimes, I feel she does this, just to remind you where you are. I approve

Anyway, Summerstage this Saturday, Julieta is back and I am pumped...

Btw, Andar Conmigo (loosely "be with me" in the title I am using it as "roll with me") is an awesome some song, but I like Eres Para Mi better, its more representative of what I am getting at