Thursday, July 24, 2008



  • It's officially exactly 1 month into the contest between Steph and me. I'm down 10.5 pounds. Steph is down 7.6 pounds. Luckily, my only bad-influence eating friend is Xtian. Seems like all of Stephs friends are dragging her down. Bringing her to things like southern fried food festivals and stuff. CMON!
  • I've been wanting to train for a marathon, but to run the thing in custome. Dressed as Gumby, for example. That would be fun.
  • The Tour de France ends this weekend. Three weeks goes by so quickly!
  • There's this Spanish couple who lives in my building. I see them on the elevator every so often. I HATE THEM. They are such snoots. And when I say "Spanish," I mean they are from Spain, with their super proper accents and European flair. They look down on the non-Spaniards. XTIAN should go over there and give them a knuckle sandwich.
  • Been giving some thought to spending 3 months or so in Shanghai. Hang out with my people, practice the language, etc.