Sunday, February 17, 2008


I was feeling a little stressed out today, so KenTak3 suggested I play Wii to relax. I'm not sure how genuine this was since he has been increasily playing himself in tennis at 3 AM as a break from doing work, and I think he just wanted to play against someone else. (What a tool.)

Anyway, he whoops my a&&, and after I get all huffy, we switch to bowling so I can beat him. Here are our record scores:


You can't see her in the crowd now, but at one point ET#1 was cheering for us.

Who wants to come over and play me again!? It was a feel good moment, but if you are having a crappy day, I will let you win. (Note on the above though: I beat KenTak3 - he didn't let me win.)