Sunday, January 04, 2009

Who is the Bad Friend? New Years Edition

Someone from our happy group was gracious enough to host a Hose related New Years Party. No good deed goes unpunished - Let's take inventory of Bad Friend Candidates from the last moments of 2008. Names are withheld so opinions are not colored by how big a d*ck you think Evil is.

A - as in A**hole - A was invited to said New Years Party after being instrumental in pressuring the host to have a New Years Party. A politely declines soon after receiving an invitation. Further, A calls the host to complain that said host took too long to formally issue an invitation. Then faults the host for A committing to another plan. A also comments that its important to continue to make new friends so things don't go stale. The host is further infuriated.

B - as in oBlivious - B actually successfully attends party. B brings a date. B's date is someone B has a substantial past with. Towards the end of the night B and date are the only attendees left. The host, who graciously decorated her home to entertain people was by 2am, quite tired. The host could not go to sleep before B and date agreed to leave. B was completely oblivious and had to be dragged out.

C - as in C*ckbl*cker - C is also at the party. C has no where to stay having not planned for accommodations before coming to town. C asked B at the party if it would be possible to crash at B's apartment. B agrees. C show appreciation for B's hospitality by publicly discussing sleeping accommodations with B's date. C openly discusses things like "well you can sleep in B's bed with B. Also, you and I could sleep in B's bed. B can sleep on the couch" etc ruining any potential hook up between B and Date This ends with Date departing for parts unknown. C then spends the entirety of New Year's Day on B's couch c*ckblocking for at least 12 hours. Ed Reed could not cover a receiver that long.

Ok, so the question is, who is the biggest D*ck? Who is the worst friend?