Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Date Or Die: Midweek Update 2

SMS ruins is a unclear exchange with the Southern Belle

Her:I bought a copy of Theodore Rex last weekend. I'll let you know it goes once I finally get to it....
me: You realize its part2 to the Rise of...? I was going to phone you tonight. When do they let you out?
Her: I did not realize that. I'm out at 6 but I'm running over to double dinner appointments from there.
Me: Hmmmm two q. How does one attend 2 dinners at once? what are your weekend plans?
Her: One at 6:30 and one at 8. I wouldn't recommend it to everyone. Saturday working all day and dinner. Sunday - breakfast, lunch, movie,
Me: You are a tightly schedule person. I was thinking a rainy weekend would be optimal for some crosswording action.
Her: usually you would be correct. Ill see if any times get shifted around. Saturday may be earlier than I think. We haven'tgotten confirmation for end time for work on saturday
Me: I'll phone you later in teh week to inquire further. This texting business is generally an ungentlemanly way to extend invitations. I am only participating because I'm sure it beats the alternative. Where your alternative is paying attention in training and my alternative is paying attention to this conference call.
Her: duly noted :-)

I was really proud of myself this week. For the second week in a row I blew off someone who almost ruined my life 5 years ago, there by remaining consistent to my date or die manifesto (as described in the prologue).

Date or Die...Change or Die...its all the same here...