Monday, November 24, 2003

TV Educations

Had a pretty long breakfast conversatin about Party of Five this morning with one of my roommates. After a while we realized that neither one of us remembered anything about season 6. Although I do recall a lot about the ill-fated, Time of Your Life spin off that featured Jennifer Love Hewitt's character.

Anyway, interest pequed I hit TvTome to figure out what fate befell the poor Salinger family, kids that could never catch a break.

Apparently, Julia wrote a book (the hell? wasn;t she like a stripper? and what about Griffen? Was he still working as a grease monkey?)
Charlie married Kirstin (i guess it stuck that time)
Claudia went to Stanford (over Julliard...weren't these kids left orphan?? are they actually the descedants of JD Salinger?)
Here's the kicker....freaking Baily, useless quiter, boozer baily who managed to flunk out of San Fran Community State College (or was it Pen.) somehow moved to Philly to attend the Wharton School of Business????

The hell??? that's bullsh*t. In a rage, I checked with Scooter about this. He was amused and confused as well, but also pointed out that 90210 ended with boozer, coke head, cultist, Kelly leaving the zip code we all don't know but love for the warm embrace of morningside heights, to attend Grad school AT COLUMBIA!!!

Are you kidding me?
Are there any other shows where characters get cut a break on the season finale just so no one has to worry about them anymore? what a cop out! write me if you can think of another one...

See that's what made Buffy the Vampire Slayer a superior show, most characters (Zandar, Cordelia) didn't even get into college (freaking Oz got held back!!!) and those that did (Buffy and Willow) quickly flunked out admist a wave of slaying, lesbianism, S&M and addiction....that's reality (well except the vampires maybe)