Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday Night Quickies


  • Friend-of-the-Hose Steph asks an interesting question on her blog. She wants to know why Chinese guys smell so bad. This question perplexed me because I didn't think that Asian people smell at all. But then again, I am a Chinese guy and everyone knows that people can't smell themselves. (I have this ongoing fear that my apartment smells bad and I don't know it.) Personally, I think Steph is nuts, but maybe one of you Hosers can provide an explanation.
  • I've started making drinks with whatever beverages are in my fridge. Tonight, I'm having Diet Root Beer and Grey Goose Vodka. Let's just say that this particular recipe will not be making it to Sparks's "Cocktail Hour" feature any time soon.
  • I will be headed back to China in 8 days.
  • Why has it rained so much this summer? Are we being punshished for something?