Sunday, January 13, 2008

Breaking News!


Congrats to everyone who took my betting advice on this weekend's games! Awesome, right? Who would have imagined that the Patriots would win ALL FOUR games? How do they do it? Well, the investigative news department of The Hose just uncovered some evidence that might explain it all. Check out the log of this IM conversation, which took place on Thursday of last week, between Tom Brady and God...

Tom Brady: your away message is hilarious

God: wooo! awesome, huh?

Tom Brady: so this weekend's games...

God: dont worry man. i've got your guys winning

Tom Brady: SWEET.

God: everyone wants to see you guys play the colts in the afc championship
st. paul is like, pumped up like you wouldnt believe

Tom Brady: well, actually, can you make the colts lose?

people will be bummed
ohhh, okaaaay
you are just too cute
i cant say no to you

Tom Brady: awesome
so yeah, the chargers should beat the colts
can you also make their best player get hurt?

God: LT? knee injury ok?

Tom Brady: yah!
throw a knee injury to their QB too?

God: phillip rivers?
so smug that punk.
yeah, knee injury for him too!
well, the super bowl will be good with you guys playing the cowboys

Tom Brady: errr, well...

God: oh god, them too?
you want me to take out the cowboys too?

Tom Brady: you're reading my mind god
how do you do that???
you're so good!

God: no, YOU'RE so good
ok, cowboys are losing this week
eli manning gets a gift from you
hey, gotta run

Tom Brady: ok laters!

God: good luck!