Thursday, February 17, 2005

Manolo Gives You A Pearl Necklace

WHOO-HAH! I couldn't sleep last night and for some reason, my brain would not shut up even after stabbing it with a Q-Tip.

Anyways, after shouting "I'm in the dark, here!" my brain started shutting down but not before giving some last minute pearls of wisdom. Here they are for your emotional and mental growth.

* Laughter is the best medicine, Vicodin is a close second (reminiscing about the time I broke my back while trying out the Kama Sutra and was on pain medication for 2 years).

*Foreplay’s for sissies!!! You show her your ceiling right away or you show her the door.

*Sympathy ain’t pretty but it works.

*Your hand...think about it!!!

*Lesbians pouring liquid latex on themselves..(i fell asleep)...