Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Grassroots Effort *NOT* Conjured Up By FOXNews



Your God-loving, country-loving Hosers (that would be Turdhurdler and yours truly) are teaming up to establish a National Going Rogue Day! In the short term, we're organizing various "going rogue" events for the benefit of the good ol' U.S. of A. On a parallel track, we're lobbying Congress to establish National Going Rogue Day as a federal holiday. It's long overdue!

So what is National Going Rogue Day, you ask? (Excellent question. Here, have a cookie!)

During National Going Rogue Day, we all take a day off and GO ROGUE for the benefit of our community or country because sometimes, doing things within the rules just isn't effective enough. Here are some examples of how you can participate on National Going Rogue Day:

* A classic: steal from the rich and give to the poor

* Go to a local schoolyard and beat the crap out of the local bully (nevermind he is like 20 years younger than you... he deserves it!). Side benefit: you become the local hero!

* Park yourself outside the local Baskin Robbins for an entire day and refuse entry to anyone who, in your opinion, looks like they could stand to lose a few.

* Tell a hooker that she's a respectable young woman and that Jesus still loves her. (Then punch her in the stomach and steal her heroin so she'll stop killing herself with drugs.)

* Go to the site of Ground Zero and start building something. Anything! With enough people pitching in, I'm sure we can build a huge-ass tower or whatnot just in one day. Screw you, bureaucrats slowing down the process!

These are just a few of the tens of ideas pouring in through our website. Be part of the movement! To join, email turdhurdler.