Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Facebook Boo-Boos


Recently came across two Facebook-related "DOH!" moments. One is from a friend of mine and one was committed by yours truly.

From my friend's status message: [The new Facebook "suggestions" panel is creating alarming moments when friends who have passed away this year are presented as people I need to reconnect with.] Yikes, very sad!

And this one was from me:

One of my friends had posted a pic on his wall. The pic was of two super-buff body builder type dudes sitting on a beach towel. The were shirtless and their arms were around each other's waist. Way in the background of the pic was a stranger, also shirtless, showing his scrawny torso. I weighed in with the first comment: "That pipsqueak in the background needs to go pump some iron!!!"

The next time I log in (which is like 10 minutes later), I see like 8 notifications of people also commenting on his pic. But the comments were ALL something like, "Hey [C], sorry to hear about your loss" and "I'm so sorry, [C]. If you need to talk, I'm here."

WTF? I click on his profile to read his past status messages. And it turns out that one of the dudes in the photo was his ex-BF who had just died the previous day. So here I was making light of the photo while this guy is grieving.

But still! I mean, post a freakin' caption already. Don't just post a serious photo and leave it caption-less / context-less for ever a-hole on FB to comment on, right?