Friday, November 21, 2008

Time Out to Complain

I am taking a brief Time Out from working to write a post. It is very important to Bruno (and me) that Nora is happy, so I am trying to come up with some new good material. Unfortunately, I only have 3 things to gripe about that have made me crotchety over the past few days, which I will share:

1. I can not get to Facebook from work because it is a restricted site, which means that I can only play Evil in Scrabble once per day after working hours. I am going to speak to our Information Security Officer about this restriction that has been imposed on my company, because I truely believe that it would be more beneficial for the company, and I would be more productive if I was able to network with people externally and play competitively against them in Scrabble. This is not an ideal time to be challenging Management, but I am giving this serious thought.

2. Since it is very cold outside, I have been noticing that everyone is sporting new winter-warm-wear, likely purchased at deep discount because of the recession. Long coats, short coats, puffy coats, straight coats, etc. Well, everyone looks pretty slick in their new coats, except for the people who are wearing straight wool coats with a vent in the back. The reason is because they do not remove the thread that is stitched in an "X" holding the vents together. When you purchase a new coat, you should generally take all the tags and extra threads off, and this includes the "X" thread on the back of the coat. Instead, they are walking around with an open vent that is stuck together at the bottom, so not truely "vented" and they look silly. Frustrating.

3. Finally, some work repairmen came to our building yesterday to paint the hallway and our apartment door. When I got home at 10:00 PM, our apartment door was painted shut and I had to borrow a butter knife from our neighbors upstairs to slice through the dried paint to open the door, consequently ruining the new paint job. Also, there was a big bug in the apartment, so after I got in so I killed him with KenTak3's slipper and left the slipper there so he could clean up the mess after he came home later. Why is he out later than me on a school night anyway?

The only consolation is that it is soon the weekend, and there will hopefully be a Hose gathering of sorts and some binge drinking.