Monday, October 22, 2007

I Am So Important


Hi all, please try not to rob my apartment while I'm away for the rest of the week. Flying out to LA tomorrow for a client dinner in Beverly Hills. Then going to an all-day strategy session at the Beverly Hills hotel the next day. And by "all-day strategy session" I mean I'm going to pretend to listen to other people talk while starting at whatever boobage might be in the room.

Then flying up to the Bay Area for work. And by "work," I mean let people take me out for drinks because it's my last two weeks at the company. Yay!

So by the way, in case I didnt tell you in person... I'm quitting my job. Going to spend 6 or 7 weeks in India. Then flying back here for 2 weeks around New Years. Then flying out to China for about 12 weeks. Then after that, I don't know.