Monday, October 08, 2007

Bad People: Manolo

New Feature...anytime someone encounters a bad person we post about it. This is the Manolo edition.

From a conversation Friday between xTian and Manolo

Manolo: listen...give me the Bumpasaurus' number so I can call him to party. I am en route to Orlando now.

xTian: The Bump is not available. He was in a car accident and has a concussion.


xTian: I don't understand what's so funny about a concussion? That' serious stuff...(thinking back sadly on the plight of Wayne Chrebet)

Manolo:'re was not a real laugh, more of a nervous one...I was worried.

xTian: You're a liar.

Even the Bumpasaurus was incredulous about Manolo's reaction. What an as*hole...