Saturday, August 02, 2003


From upper left: Jaime Cerda, Pedro Feliciano, John Franco, Jae Seo, Jason Phillips, Vance Wilson, Tony Clark, Jose Reyes, Ty Wingginton (not pictured), Cliff Floyd, Timo Perez

Although the Mets are having a crappier season than Big Brother 4, they ARE leading the league in something... According to the Elias Sports Bureau, the Amazin's are the team to beat when it comes to amazingly gay facial hair... at LOTS of it. I only noticed this today while watching the Mets vs. Cardinals on channel 11. This is what happens to people who don't have cable TV: they get stuck watching the adopted stepchild of New York baseball. Wait, did I have a point? I'm not sure. All I know is that I spent the last 30 minutes on pulling the URLs of Mets players. How GAY IS THAT?!? (Someone shoot me.)