Tuesday, August 24, 2004


XTIAN: if I type "thehose" into google we are at the bottom of the search page
XTIAN: we need more inbound links

EVIL: wow
EVIL: i didnt know that
EVIL: some more links would help

XTIAN: [J.Web] can help

EVIL: i cant to be #1 for "sausage bbq"
EVIL: cool!
EVIL: you might get a lot of accidental hits
EVIL: xtina searches -> misspelled as xtian

XTIAN: i figure if we mention "VH1" and "Best Week ever" often enough
XTIAN: someone might pick up on it
XTIAN: heh

EVIL: i need to be on tv
EVIL: even vh1
EVIL: have to work
EVIL: later