Monday, September 29, 2008

Bleeding all over the place

Seaver pitches to Piazza during the closing ceremony for Shea Staduim

I have this ongoing conversation with a coworker, a Phillies fan, about baseball. It's an infinite number of paper cuts.

We never got into each other's face about one team's success or the other's failure over a weekend or on a night. A three game sweep is relatively meaningless at any point in time in a baseball season. Any given loss feels horrible. However, the next day, you realize the impact was minor. There is always that night, where you have the chance to win and it will feel great. Of course, the next morning even that exuberance won't matter.

There are so many games, the notion of momentum or whatever gets washed out with a regression to the mean. Baseball ends up exactly where it is meant. The best teams rise to the top, bad teams on the bottom and a team's critical flaw will always be exposed. You get lucky...once...twice...ten times even...but never 162 times.

Anyway, the Mets had a great offense, solid defense, strong starting pitching and in the end, a good manager. They had a crappy bullpen...a theory that was tested night after night and verified several times a week.

That's that I guess...

See ya in Hell, Shea!

I'll be there bright eyed and bushy tailed for Citi Field in the Spring