Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Un Fit

I would like to request that we remove the reference of Wii Fit under "What We Love."

This morning, I woke up very early to what I thought would be a happy day. The sun was shining, I ate some Cheerios with fresh strawberries, and there was more than enough time to begin Day 1 of my new summertime fitness regimen.

I should have gone for a run in my neighborhood, since there are no people in the streets at such an early hour. Instead, I decided to try out the new Wii Fit game.

After setting up my profile, I take a series of diagnostic tests. Wii tells me that my Wii Fit age is 52, and that my body is "18 years weaker than it should be". Wii tells me that it will help me through a program consisting of strengthening exercises in order to meet my fitness goals.

After hearing this news, I get right back into bed.

The only somewhat consoling factor is that KenTak3 takes the diagnostic test, and learns that his Wii Fit age is 42. So, he is still pretty weak, but not as weak as me!


In summary: I do not love Wii Fit, and the feeling is mutual. So, how about we put a roasted chicken over there to the right instead?