Monday, October 20, 2008

Unintended Perviness


R is Japanese and as such, she is really into Hello Kitty. I wouldn't say that her apartment is overrun with Hello Kitty stuff. It's more like, here's Hello Kitty paraphernalia tucked into random nooks and crannies and if you look hard enough, you'll find Hello Kitty here, Hello Kitty there...

She's got a Hello Kitty hat, a Hello Kitty backpack, Hello Kitty chopsticks. Her cell phone has a little Hello Kitty charm on it... the Hello Kitty is slurping a giant bowl of udon noodles. It's so cute!

R's birthday is this Friday and I figured it would be funny to get her something Hello Kitty-related, so I went to the Sanrio Store in midtown Manhattan during lunch. Boy did I feel like a huge perv. Picture this: 32 year old dude dressed in a business suit and tie browsing over Hello Kitty gear. Ugh! I wanted to get outta there ASAP, and I did.