Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thank Goodness For Health Insurance


Thank goodness I have health insurance because I can't get enough of the doctor's office. I've been going to this particular office for about 2 years now (since I moved to the neighborhood) and I've only seen my doctor once. But I've seen the nurse practitioner like 6 or 7 times and each time, she's lookin' smoking hot! Today I went in for a physical and a flu shot. She had me take off my clothes. It was great. She pushed on my stomach to feel for a potential enlarged liver. I squirmed and chuckled because that test tickles. She laughed.

Too bad she is married. What a hottie. She's about 5-foot-1 and 100 pounds. Short blonde hair and a surprisingly fill-out ass for such a small chick. What now?