Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This Drives Me Insane


I wasn't born in this country and English isn't my first language; I started learning English when I was about 4 or 5. I think it's common among non-native speakers of a language to process it more literally and to take the rules more seriously because, after all, we learned the language by learning the rules.

Actually, I don't remember all the rules anymore. I wish I did. But here's something that I'm pretty sure is incorrect usage and it drives me f'ing berserk!!! When someone uses "I" when they really meant to use "me." A couple of examples:

"Picture of Evan and I at the beach."

"Gift given to Mara and I."

Why do people do this? It's ME, people. It's ME.

(I have many more pet peeves. I'll save them for future posts. What are yours? Let I know in the comments section!)