Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Party, Baby

Anyone want to party with us this Friday?

XTIAN: did you rsvp for that thing
XTIAN: on friday


XTIAN: did anyone get back to you asking for money?

EVIL: no
EVIL: i emailed that barnard email alias yesterday
EVIL: no one responded

XTIAN: right
XTIAN: i did so on friday
XTIAN: no response
XTIAN: lets just show up
XTIAN: its not like we're doig anything anyway
XTIAN: you need to pick me up in midtown in a cab
XTIAN: or a black lincoln
XTIAN: whatever works for you player

EVIL: plan later
EVIL: dude
EVIL: what if The Hose sponsors a columbia alum event?
EVIL: that would be SOOOO legit
EVIL: all we need to do is monetize our readership and then funnel that money into event sponsorships
EVIL: it's like a virtuous cycle

XTIAN: wow
XTIAN: that is a virtuous circle

EVIL: i am like some sort of business genious

XTIAN: no, not really

EVIL: i know
EVIL: thanks for bursting my bubble tho
EVIL: you didnt even want to let me have that little piece of joy, however fabricated