Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Poll Results


Catching up on some Hose maintenance, now that I'm back from India. This is a poll results from a while back that deserves some commentary because the results are quite interesting.

So according to you Hosers, a woman is most desirable when she's between the ages of 30 to 34. Hmmm, interesting. I'll bet that 100% of The Hose's female readers are in this age range! So you essentially voted for yourselves. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But look at the 35-39 category... zero votes! Does that mean that a woman's desirability falls off the face of the earth once she hits 35? Very scary.

BTW- Who voted for the 19 or under category? Perv!!!

Here's a poll that XTIAN posted. I'll leave it to him to comment on the results if he would like.